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Greenhouse Copy is where personality-rich email, social, web copy & powerful stories work together to organically foster conversions & connection. 

Your story, our hands.

Founded on a hunger for connection, growth, and ethical marketing, our approach is driven by data, advocacy, and bold creativity. We’re fans of pushing the envelope without blurring the lines between ethical and “slimey”. 

When impact is driven by a purpose, you won’t have to resort to “icky” practices to maximize profits.

You can sell & attract without diluting your values.

Born as the eldest daughter of Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants, my natural affinity for writing is rooted in my family’s dream to live a life that’s thrilling, fulfilling, & purposeful. I spent my elementary & college years with my head in books & clouds (as well as writing short stories). 

With a messy desk of thick journals filled with endless streams of thought, and a tower of books, I’ve always carried a knack for marrying communication, critical thinking, and storytelling (I have a whole library of stories I’ve written that have yet to meet the public eye).  

My hunger to continuously strive and become a better version of myself inspired me to start a studio that gives coaches and founders the space to do so.

To others out there who carry that same desire, but have always been met with those who push it too far, and those who aren’t pushing enough:

Growth, whether it’s in expansion or your inner world, is only possible when you shed what doesn’t serve you, and adapt to what does. 

Founder & Sales Copywriter of GHCS.
Generational curse breaker, wordsmith, and obsessive reader

Nice to meet you, I’m Kim Helen (Kelen) Quach.

Back in 2016, I applied to UC Davis as a mistake (I selected the wrong option on the dropdown 😅). When I received the acceptance letter, I was like “OMG?!” Life’s full of surprises & blessings—you just gotta surrender to it. 😊

My partner and I are both former athletes—he was a professional tennis player while I was a dancer & powerlifter! I also hunt really good Facebook marketplace deals too 😉

I come from an immigrant family full of creative minds. My father studied literature, my mother was a singer, my sister is a nail tech, and my brother tufts rugs in his free time. In a world where science, logic, and rationale is valued over the arts, I truly believe in embracing and nurturing what calls your heart. 💕

Fun facts!

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Not all sales copy needs to trigger fight or flight—far from it.

We believe in nurturing your community’s confidence, so they feel capable of making the best decision for themselves. Activating fear is a low-hanging hack; confidence is what sprouts when you’re able to deeply connect with your words.

Your copy should be an extension of your ever-lasting impact on those you help, not driving them into the arms of your competitors.

Don’t spend another quarter in the red. 

Sales copy gets to be empowering, creative, and activating.